August Events/New Website

It’s an exciting month for Valor Tactical Group. After a bit of website downtime, we’re excited to reveal our new company website. We have big plans for the future, including an online shop that we plan to eventually add for people to buy merchandise through.

We ended the month of July with a Vehicle VCQB Course that we hosted for Military and Law Enforcement personnel, and the next event coming up is our Women’s Defense course on August 5th, followed by a few private courses on August 6th, 12th, and 19th. We will be having our next Conceal Carry Course Sunday, August 27th as well. It’s a busy month, but as always we’re grateful for the work and look forward to working with these clients.

We plan on publishing newsletters monthly, as well as for big upcoming events, so if you’d like to be notified of these newsletters directly to your email please subscribe!


September Events